Installing the Kune/Apache Wake Debian package
This is a small guide to install Kune in Debian and derivative distributions (Ubuntu, etc).
- First of all, install the mandatory dependencies (as root):
- apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk mysql-server adduser dbconfig-common libjmagick6-jni
- Optionally install the recommended dependencies:
- openfire: download it from here. If you do this, follow the openfire appendix in /usr/share/doc/kune/INSTALL.gz instructions about how to connect openfire to kune properly.
- a email server (exim4 or postfix)
- Check that mysql server is running, and otherwise start it.
- Install the kune package
- via apt adding one of these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list
- deb stable/
- or
- deb unstable/
- add the gpg key:
- gpg –keyserver –recv-keys 9E358A05
- gpg –armor –export 9E358A05 | apt-key add –
- and then, install the package
- apt-get update && apt-get install kune
- or via dpkg, dowloading the kune package from:
- (It’s a slow service, so be patient) and install it:
- dpkg -i kune-VERSION.deb
- The installation will request the mysql root password in order to create the necessary db
- Note: It seems that the last package has some permission problem. Temporal workaround: before starting kune do something like:
- sudo touch /var/log/kune/kune.log
- sudo chown kune:kune /var/log/kune/kune.log
- Note 2: If the package doesn’t execute the database migration (you can get some error about a missing column or similar starting kune) you should do the migration manually, that is you have to run one by one:
- mysql -p YOUR_DB < FILE
- with FILE:
- /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/kune/upgrade/mysql/0.1.0+b5
- /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/kune/upgrade/mysql/0.1.0+b6
- /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/kune/upgrade/mysql/0.2.0+b12
- /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/kune/upgrade/mysql/0.2.0+b23
- /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/kune/upgrade/mysql/0.2.0+b25
- /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/kune/upgrade/mysql/0.3.0+b4
- and other similar upgrades. Also check that db_install and db_update are “yes” in /etc/dbconfig-common/kune.conf
- so this process is done automatically on each package upgrade.
- Kune doesn’t start by default. Edit the START variable (START=yes) in:
- /etc/default/kune
- and run:
- service kune start
- Now you can open your browser in
- http://localhost:8888/
- For more info and documentation (about federation, ssl, mail and chat configuration) please check:
- /usr/share/doc/kune/
- and other documents in
Updating the package
Just install again the new package via “apt-get dist-upgrade” or via “dpkg -i kune-VERSION.deb”
Check the logs in:
- /var/log/kune/kune.log
and check
- /usr/share/doc/kune/TROUBLESHOOT.gz
for some advices.
Find if kune is running:
- $ sudo ps -ef | grep kune-complete
- kune 2579 1 72 10:07 ? 00:00:13 java -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.DEBUG=true -Djava.s
- (…)
look the ports opened by kune:
- $ sudo lsof -p 2579 | grep TCP
Running the server without the init script:
- /usr/share/kune/bin/ -h
- /usr/share/kune/bin/ -j /usr/share/kune/lib/kune-complete.jar &
Debuging the server:
- /usr/share/kune/bin/ -j /usr/share/kune/lib/kune-complete.jar -d -p 8001 &
Then connect to the 8001 port with a debugger.
Run the init script more verbose to detect any problem (check the /var/log/kune/kune.log):
- bash -x /etc/init.d/kune start
Problems purging with some message like “Not replacing deleted config file SOMEFILE”
- ucf –purge SOMEFILE
Other issues:
Removing and installing again the package (for testing it)
Maybe in order to test the package you want to reinstall the kune package several times:
In order to do that, you can remove the package via:
- apt-get –purge remove kune
Warning: this doesn’t remove the database. If you want, you can also remove the database “kune_prod” in mysql:
- drop user ‘kune_prod’@’localhost’;
- drop database kune_prod;
and remove other directories with data, logs, etc.:
- /var/lib/kune
- /usr/share/kune
- /etc/kune
- /var/log/kune
Also do a:
- rm /etc/dbconfig-common/kune.conf
- ucf –purge /etc/dbconfig-common/kune.conf
so you will have the kune package purged totally.
Help us to improve the kune installation process. If you want to give us some feedback, contact us via #kune.lists (in or fill issues in
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